
Produced around the middle of each month, featuring data up to the end of the preceding month. 

Annual Subscription Price: £331.00

For more information please contact Gary Giddings

Subscribe Here


Each month ferry operators are sent out a standard email requesting their data.  Data is sent back to IRN Ferry then entered into a master spreadsheet.

Depending on the ferry operator, IRN Ferry are supplied with monthly data on total freight units and the number of sailings/crossings.

Data is also collected from Eurotunnel, Department for Transport and the Irish Statistics Office to present a rounded picture of the market.


Each month subscribers are sent a pdf report showing comparisons between the current market and the previous year. Comparisons are made on a year-to-date and latest month basis.

Subscribers also receive an associated spreadsheet showing the summary data that appears in the pdf report, plus monthly data for the past 2 to 3 years.


The report and spreadsheet are structured as follows:


  • Latest Trends
  • Annual Trends
  • Quarterly Trends
  • Monthly Review: UK-Continent
  • Monthly Review: UK-Ireland

 Individual Routes

Data for each ferry company and each route serviced, analysed by the main routes (UK-Continent, UK-Ireland broken down by key channels).

See Example







UK-Continent freight figures are broken down into accompanied and unaccompanied units. UK-Ireland Figures only show total units.


UK-Continent monthly figures only cover the Short Sea and Western channels and do not cover the North Sea channel. However, quarterly data is included which shows freight unit for all major UK ports, including North Sea ports.  


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